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    The Contracting and Compliance Department renders the vendor relationships, business terms, and project vision developed by the University community into contracts that ensure those relationships, terms, and vision withstand the tests of time and chance while reflecting the values and priorities of the University and the State of Connecticut.



    To complement Procurement Services’ recent reorganization and rebranding as University Business Services (UBS), the Procurement Contracting and Compliance Department (PC&C) within UBS is relaunching its efforts to build awareness of PC&C’s procurement compliance functions.

    In our role of supporting UBS’ visionary, strategic, and inclusive commitment to the highest standards of procurement excellence, PC&C’s team is charged with ensuring that UBS has internal controls that adequately measure and manage the growing procurement requirements and risks faced by the University.  Continue reading


    In collaboration with the Office of University Compliance, Procurement Services has developed a fun Compliance Clip video that outlines End User Departments’ responsibility for  Directing Work and shadowrocket免费节点. Check out our shadowrocket免费节点 for more information about End User Department responsibilities.


    University departments that buy goods or services play a crucial role in managing vendor relationships. The Procurement Contracting & Compliance, Purchasing, and Accounts Payable groups have developed detailed information to help University departments better understand this role. Procurement Services is very glad to provide University departments with vendor management training. Please contact University Business Services for more information.


    On June 30, 2017, the Governor signed ssr节点购买网址, dubbed the “Cutting the Red Tape” legislation.  One purpose of the legislation was to make it easier for UConn to make three types of purchases: “Overseas Purchases,” “Outside Funds Purchases,” and “Collaboration Contract Purchases.” Information about these purchases and the associated policies and procedures is available on our “Cutting the Red Tape” webpage.



    As of 5:00 PM EST on October 31, 2017, the period for submitting comments on the drafts of UConn’s new procurement policies is closed.

    UConn’s Board of Trustees plans to consider adopting the policies at its November 1, 2017 meeting. If you wish to comment publicly at that meeting, kindly reserve a speaking slot by emailing susan.locke@uconn.edu.

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